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Setting Up

Modifying Volume Paths


Modifying Volume Paths

Modifying Volume Paths

Here are the step-by-step instructions to assist Podman, Kubernetes, and Helm Charts users in effectively modifying volume paths for their respective environments.

Make sure to adjust the volume paths according to your specific requirements and verify that the source and destination paths are accurate and accessible within the respective container or deployment environment.

Podman Users

Locate the podman-compose.yaml file inside the Podman folder.

Open the podman-compose.yaml file for editing.

Look for the volumes section in the file.

Modify the paths in the volumes section as desired.

Save the changes made to the podman-compose.yaml file.

Restart the Podman service or recreate the Podman container using the updated configuration to apply the changes.

Kubernetes Users

Find the relevant YAML file (for example, deployment.yaml, lunalogs-volume.yaml, packages-volume.yaml, postgres-data.yaml, serverlogs-volume.yaml) in the Kubernetes folder.

Open the respective YAML file for editing.

Locate the path field under the hostPath section.

Update the path value with the desired volume path.

Save the changes made to the YAML file.

Apply the changes.


Helm Charts Users

Locate the values.yaml file inside the Helm folder.

Open the values.yaml file for editing.

Find the keys related to the volume paths you wish to modify (e.g., certificates, lunalogs, packages, ccclogs, pgdata).

Update the values associated with these keys to the desired volume paths.

Save the changes made to the values.yaml file.

Deploy or update the Helm chart using the appropriate Helm command (e.g., helm install or helm upgrade) with the modified values.yaml file to apply the changes to the volume paths.